
Context Matters in Advertising

by October 20, 2024 0 comment

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As marketers, we often focus on grabbing attention, cutting through the noise, and delivering the perfect message at just the right moment. But there’s one critical aspect of human behaviour that we can’t ignore: when people are online, they are on a mission.

The first distinction is their state of mind. Considering the topic you are addressing, does the person you are targeting have a very full glass about that topic? Or is it half full? Is there a little space for your message to land and stick? This can dramatically affect what you say and when you say it.

Think about it. When people engage with traditional media like TV, radio, or magazines, they’re typically in a relaxed, passive mode. They’re open to being entertained, informed, or surprised. They may not mind a well-placed ad breaking up their favourite show or flipping past a full-page spread. But the digital landscape is different.

When people are online, they are rarely passive. They are on a specific mission—whether it’s to find information, buy a product, or solve a problem. They are purpose-driven. And what happens when you interrupt someone in the middle of a mission? They get annoyed. Distracted. Frustrated. Ads that pop up, banners that flash, or retargeting that feels invasive or creepy become obstacles in their way.

This shift in mindset should make us rethink how we approach online advertising. In traditional media, we can get away with interruption because the audience isn’t doing something important. But online, every distraction is an obstacle to their mission. And the more we throw irrelevant or poorly timed messages at them, the more we risk losing more of their trust and eroding our brand.

We have a simple way of thinking about this. All that’s ever going on in marketing is your brand has piggy bank for every prospect and you are putting a chip in (respecting and honouring customers & prospects) or taking one out (doing things to your prospect instead of for them). So the next time you press that button to trigger a message to any target group, ask yourself, “is this putting a brand chip in the bank or taking one out?” Someday you may be held to account.

So what’s the solution? As marketers, we need to stop thinking of online users as passive consumers and start respecting their mission-focused mindset. Here’s how:

Be relevant, or be gone: If your message doesn’t add value to their mission, at that moment in time—whether it’s answering their question, solving their problem, or enhancing their experience—it’s noise. Be relevant and timely, or risk being ignored.

Respect their time: Online users are not there to browse for fun. Every second matters to them. If your ad disrupts their flow, you’ve just put yourself on their bad list. Consider how and where your messages appear. Timing is everything.

Offer solutions, not distractions: If you want to engage them, do it by helping them achieve their goals, not by pulling them off course. Whether it’s through content, tools, or clear calls to action, your marketing should be part of their solution—not another hurdle.

Earn their attention, don’t demand it: The online world gives consumers more control over what they see and engage with. You have to earn their attention by being useful, authentic, and respectful—not by forcing your way into their line of sight using a flashing GIF.

Entertain them, Touch them, Be of service: that Facebook ad should be created by your best creative people, not the Social Media Intern who hops on Canva and creates something that “looks nice”. Good creative can change how an add is received. It can change an interruption into the right message at the right time. Every consumer touch point is an incredibly valuable opportunity to a good marketer.

It’s time we start seeing the internet through the eyes of our audience. Perhaps if we spent as much time understanding their mission as we do their buying journey, the creative messaging we put in front of them would be dramatically different. Today’s ad creative is often woeful at best.

They are on a mission, and the more we respect that, the more effective and trustworthy our marketing will become. Stop interrupting their journey—start supporting it.

When we align our marketing with the mission that drives online behaviour, we stop being part of the noise and start becoming part of the solution. And that’s where the magic happens. It’s not about fighting for attention; it’s about earning a place in the user’s journey.

The next time you design an ad or craft a digital strategy, ask yourself: Am I helping them achieve their mission? Is this adding a chip in the brand bank or does it take a chip out of the brand bank? If the answer is no, it’s time to rethink your approach. Because in today’s digital landscape, helping your audience win their mission is how your brand wins them over for good.

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